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Why We Need Hematite

  • Posted on
  • By Linda Perry
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Why We Need Hematite

This Root chakra stone, helps to ground, balance and stabilize your energy field. If you are feeling a bit spacey or ungrounded, hold a piece of Hematite in your hand to help you ground back into your body and feel like your feet are firmly planted on the ground.

Hematite is the most important and abundant source of iron ore and commonly found in rocks and soil. It has a distinctive metallic luster and comes in various colours, ranging from black and grey to reddish-brown. Hematite has been found in meteorites and also on Mars. It can be found by itself or in different rock formations in many locations around the world.

Beads made from Hematite have been found in archaeological sites dating back to 75,000 years ago, making it one of the earliest used minerals by humans.

In ancient Egypt, Hematite was associated with the Goddess Isis and used in amulets for protection and childbirth. Its reddish colour linked it to blood and life-giving forces.

Roman soldiers used Hematite to polish their armour, believing it imbued them with strength and courage in battle.

Various Native American tribes used Hematite for ceremonial purposes, tools and ornaments, appreciating its beauty and durability.

It has been known to provide pain relief, has excellent grounding and balancing energy, stimulates the mind and will heighten self-confidence, self-worth, willpower, strength, fortitude and stamina.

Hematite helps to transmute negative energy into positive, contain unwanted energy and will block psychic attacks. Keep a piece with you to help keep you grounded, anchored and centered.

Place a piece of Hematite at the four corners of your crystal grid so energies in the room don't mix with your intention and grid. Place them at the corners of your Reiki table to help keep the client's energies from mixing into your environment and vice versa. Place them at the corners of your bed to protect you while sleeping or the corners of any room to dispel negative energy.

This Root chakra stone, helps to ground, balance and stabilize your energy field. If you are feeling a bit spacey or ungrounded, hold a piece of Hematite in your hand to help you ground back into your body and feel like your feet are firmly planted on the ground.


If you have been working or meditating with high vibration crystals, have a piece of Hematite handy to hold afterwards to ground you. It helps to balance your aura and align your chakras, bringing together body, mind and spirit.

It can help with headaches, for pain relief place one on each chakra to help energy flow and placing some at intervals along the spine for alignment and back pain.

Hematite is excellent when studying or taking exams as it stimulates memory.


See our Hematite collection.



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