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What Is An Extractor Diamond?

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  • By Linda Perry
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What Is An Extractor Diamond?

An Extractor Diamond combines the octagonal shape of sacred geometry with the energy of the crystal it is shaped from. These tools are double terminated wands used in the process of cutting out and extracting negative energy, blocks and raising energy.

An Extractor Diamond combines the octagonal shape of sacred geometry with the energy of the crystal it is shaped from. These tools are double terminated wands used in the process of cutting out and extracting negative energy, blocks and raising energy. They can also be used as you would any double termianted wand. In a double terminated wand the energy flows in both directions. It brings feminine and masculine energies together to work in balance.

The hexagon represents “as above, so below” and has been a design present in the universe since the beginning of time. It is one of the most ancient symbols, seen everywhere and in almost everything, like Metatron's Cube, the Tree of Life, turtle shells, honeycombs, Quartz generators, etc. 

Extractor Diamonds are also used to stimulate the Vagus Nerve in the body, which starts in the brain and goes through all the organs in the body. Hold in between the pads of your thumb and forefinger on one hand for at least 5 seconds, then switch to the other hand holding for 5 seconds. Doing this every morning helps with feeling relaxed and general well-being. 

Our Extractor Diamonds come in Amazonite and Peach Moonstone.

Amazonite is deeply healing on a cellular level. It works very well at the Throat chakra, opening and allowing clear authentic communication from the heart. When Smoky Quartz is present, it brings protection, stability and grounding in the areas of healing and communication. These are very potent and powerful pieces to work with to bring clarity and confidence as you speak your truth.

Peach Moonstone is a Sacral chakra stone that is all about inspiration and creativity. It is an emotional healer helping you explore your challenges and uncover feelings to be healed. This type of Moonstone  also helps with dream recall, new beginnings, completion and transformation.


See our Extractor Diamonds



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