Jet for Grounding, Protection and Purification
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- By Linda Perry
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Jet is for grounding and protection by helping to break negative patterns. Similar to Selenite, it can also cleanse the aura of negativity. Using them both together brings balance to the aura and body.
If you are going through grief, heavier emotions or a difficult loss, Jet can help! It has been used for grief and mourning for centuries. It is one of the stones in our Journey Through Grief Kit. This is the kit I used when my Mom passed away and it helped me a lot. Resonating with the Root chakra, it grounds you, anchoring to Earth energy and helps you feel balanced and safe.
The Romans believed it would protect them from evil entities, especially the “Evil Eye”. Many considered Jet a stone of luck and for centuries it was said to bring luck to anyone who would carry it.
If you have a headache, it can help release the tension and pain. Place a piece on your forehead and a piece at each shoulder and lie quietly. Carry a piece in your pocket and place it on your forehead when you can. Jet acts as a buffer between you and lower vibrations and will filter out negative energies.
Jet is a very light black to dark brown stone. It is a type of lignite, the lowest rank of coal, and is actually a mineraloid. It can be found in many places like Asia, England, France, Northern Europe, Spain, Canada and the US.
Like all black stones, Jet is for grounding, protection and purification by helping to break negative patterns. Similar to Selenite, it can also cleanse the aura of negativity. Using them both together brings balance to the aura and body. Take a rod of each in both your hands and run them over your body. They will repair and clear your aura, balance, protect and ground you.
This high vibrational stone is an enhancer of the transformation process. It acts as a transmuter to lead the user to achieve the highest level in the transformation process. Jet is known for its purity and high vibrations.
Jet resonates with the Solar Plexus chakra and enhances inner strength and boosts personal power. Use in Meditation to enhance the 3rd Eye chakra and intuitive abilities.
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